
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Shamrock'n race report

Submitted by Sarah Diamond @Voxpax2

Feeling lucky?

As my socks gently asked "feeling lucky", at that particular moment I honestly didn't know. I call myself lucky, I'm Irish and on this day we are suppose to celebrate our heritage. In all the times I have had a chance to celebrate it here in vancouver, I never have. This year was going to change :)

I arrived at the running site, and there was so much green. Not only is it my favorite colour, but to see everyone else wearing it made me happy. The exercises began and at one point our leader tried the one-leg up and she wobbled. I was really muttering to myself but I quite by accident said it a bit too loudly for my neighbour to hear: “Wow people are drinking already?”

She laughed and when I realized she had heard I laughed and lost my balance.

“Looks like someone has already started” she replied.

Everyone gathered into the running line, long distancer's were to the left and shorter’s to the right. I had already decided this was going to be a short one (5k) and went to the left.

The wind was incredible. Now if you have ever been to Vancouver BC Canada, you might have experienced our little wind issue here. Sometimes the wind levels are to gail force winds of 70mph or more. Today was no different. You learn to adjust and when to lean on the wind and when to fight back. However I was wearing my huge leprechaun hat and was interested to see if it would fly off. I am proud to say that it actually stayed on the entire time. On the way back just near the end, there were people with other costumes flying about and I really hope it didn’t do to much damage to their times while chasing their hats first before they finished crossing over the line.

I have realized one thing however, I don’t know if I can wear my hat again unless I have protection, as I had a few people think “aren't you the cutest little leprechaun ever” and nearly pinched my cheeks. Back off lady! or I’ll have my leprechaun brethren pick on you... note the picture is of my running newly met leprechaun body guard ;) Heheheh

Over all it was great experience. Was I feeling lucky today? Yes! not only did I live through another run with my asthma, I got to meet great people, my hat stayed on, great weather, I made a new bodyguard friend and I’m part of the #Run3rd running/walking Team that no matter where we are in the world, we support our efforts, keep our spirits up and carry dedications of others within our hearts.

How much more lucky could one person be? :)

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