• Sean Astin, TEAM #Run3rd Founder @SeanAstin I love running. I'm 46 years old, I've been married for 25 years and have three daughters. Every time I lace up my shoes, I know I'm doing something good for my life. Every time I sign up for a 10k or a marathon, I know that I'm setting a good example for my family. Every time I read a #run3rd dedication I know I'm doing something important. I always make sure to take in the scenery, to marvel at the beauty of the natural world while I'm running, but I can't help analyzing every mechanical detail of every practice and every race. I thank heaven for my ability to run, it is a gift and what's more it's fun! "Running makes me a better everything." |
• Jerry Blanchard I'm a business owner as an electrician!! I was drinking my life away because I found out my wife was dying of cancer and I couldn't fix it. I got up to 285 lbs before I quit and she passed away. A couple of my friends encouraged me to start running. So I worked my way up to a 5k—then got crazy after that!! My Daughter being a special needs teacher made me start wanting to run races for autism as well as cancer. It’s 53 road races later, 23 of which were 1/2 marathons plus the Chicago marathon in 2015 for Autism. I've donated time and money to motivating others in need. Lastly, I jumped over into the "Ultra Running World" and will be attempting my 9th Ultra April 21st: The Big Turtle 50 miler in Morehead, KY, at 8,000' elevation mix. I get 15 hours to Run for any your dedications. Please Send them!! Last thing: I don't have Twitter, but my Garmin name is Crazyrunner43. |
• Heidi Bray @HeidimeetsTrail I’m a lifelong Yooper (Upper Michigan native), a wife, an autism mom, and most recently, preschool coordinator for my church. My high school cross country career was sidelined by a diagnosis of Graves’ disease (hyperactive thyroid). Through the years of trying to control it, plus college, marriage and motherhood, running took a backseat. Fast forward to when I was 38, and wanted to try again, so I signed up for a mud run. Now I’m 42 and have done many 5ks, 10ks, and 4 half marathons. This year I hope to add ultra marathon to the list. I found Run3rd via Facebook suggestions when I first started running again and was struggling with “mom guilt.“ It hit the nail on the head. Now I’m proud to run for my own health, my family, and for anyone who needs a mile. If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward. —MLK Jr |
• Tracy Burwell, TEAM Co-Leader @ATurtlesPace I’m a slow paced, fun loving, big hearted, asthmatic, newbie runner with ADHD. My titles include wife, mother, Coach and California native. As an Adapted Physical Education Specialist, with a degree in Kinesiology, I ‘coach’ children, K-12, with severe disabilities. They in turn inspire me to accept myself for who I am, and to be the best I can be. I ran my first 5k, motivated to raise money for Desert AIDS Project. I didn’t enjoy the training process at all, but loved the race day excitement! I quickly discovered exercise induced asthma was the reason it wasn’t fun to run, but also discovered my ADHD loved me for burning off the extra energy! So with many ups and downs, I just kept going, and in January 2013, the day after my 49th birthday, I ran my first half marathon at Disneyland! It was there my #Run3rd story began! The Tinker Bell Half Marathon was abuzz about Sean and the purpose of #Run3rd! #Run3rd has kept me running, because it isn’t about me, it’s about connecting and running FOR others. I have been running 3rd, with all of my heart, ever since! I’m so very excited to be a part of the #Run3rd team and to just keep going… How long it takes is irrelevant as long as you keep on going. —Rick Warren |
I live in Eastern South Dakota with my husband of 15 years, Mike, and my 4 children, and work as a Women's Health RN. I started running consistently over 3 years ago as a way to lose weight. I quickly fell in love with it as I was meeting all of my distance goals and finishing races. I have proven to myself that I am so much stronger than I thought. I also feel that I am able to show my children that with hard work and determination it is possible to persevere. I love to share my running journey and find great joy in supporting others through theirs. I am so honored to be a #Run3rd captain. I haven't been the same since joining this amazing group of people. My runs have so much more meaning now. I am renewed and energized by running for others. My list of dedications has carried me across the finish line in some very difficult races. I would be honored to #Run3rd for you!! The real purpose of running isn't to win a race, it's to test the limits of the human heart. —Bill Bowerman |
• Tony Conticello @RunDisney56 My running story starts in 2005, when my wife and I took up running to get back into shape. I joined Team in Training, raised money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, and completed the Disney Full Marathon in January 2006. I learned that why we run is unique to each of us and is often more than just the physical challenge on race day. It may be to spend time with friends, to lose weight, to raise money for a cause, or just for that runner’s high. After this race I wanted to give back to the running community and created two successful online forums for runners and walkers to share our experience and knowledge: the Disney Marathon Weekend Facebook group with almost 1000 members participating in runDisney events, and the Pacebook Running Club (PbRC), with several hundred members throughout the world. I actively participate in numerous distance races each year with my wife, daughters, and the many friends I have made in the running community. When I happened across the #Run3rd mission I instantly knew I had to be a part of Sean’s vision. I’m honored to have been selected as a Team Captain and look forward to meeting as many #Run3rd members as possible at upcoming events. “Often the hardest and scariest step we take is that very first step out of our front doors.” |
• Heidi Corrado @ravennaneroon I’m a 42 year-old mom and geek, married to a wonderful woman who has been by my side for 15 years. I’ve been a medic, a cop, and right now I do the books and human resources for a Speech-Language Pathology clinic in Albuquerque, NM. I have a side business making custom leather goods. I also play hockey. No really! I started running to improve my game and found I actually like it. My clinic works primarily with the developmentally disabled, and I am inspired every day by their ability to be enabled. I saw the #Run3rd campaign and thought “What a great idea!” Then I thought, “Well, why not?” "Dare to be extraordinary!" |
• Sarah Diamond @Voxpax2 I use to run when I was a kid, until after completing a 2k run in 13 minutes, I promptly had my first asthma attack. I never ran after that. I’m 32 now, single and have been active in other ways that didn’t require running. My asthma is exercise induced which makes it hard, and I was sick of my body and my fear controlling what I wanted to do. When I heard of what Sean was doing with his run and the #run3rd dedications, I began to read those dedications. The things people said, gave me the courage to start running again. Although I fight asthma all the time, it did NOT stop me from running my first 5K on Aug 18, 2012. Just because someone says it can’t be done that way, doesn't mean you can’t find another way to do it. Don’t let anyone, including yourself, stop you from achieving a dream you may have and then set out to achieve it. Not for the reason of those who told you, you couldn’t, but to show that great things can happen no matter what the odds. —Me |
• Jason Harris @hddwg_2 My name is Jason. I was born and raised in Southern California and live in Las Vegas. I’m married to my high school sweetheart, Stephanie; 2013 marked 20 years of marriage. We have three children: Andrew, Christensa, and Gillian. Andrew and Gillian are still here with us, while Christensa became an Angel shortly after she was born. She will forever be in our hearts and memories. I started running the end of 2012 after being bamboozled into it by my wife. In 2013, I was by her side for 13 half marathons, two 5Ks, one 10K, and a triathlon. It was a little crazy but not that bad at all. I was also supporting her #Run3rd by spreading the word to others. I am honored to be a part of the #Run3rd and look forward to helping the group grow by sharing Sean's mission. |
My name is Stephanie. I was born and raised in Southern California. I live in Las Vegas and am married to the love of my life, high school sweetheart Jason. We celebrated 20 years of marriage in 2013 and have had three children: Andrew, Christensa, and Gillian. Andrew and Gillian are still here with us, while Christensa became an Angel shortly after she was born. I started running in the end of 2011 after being inspired by my dear friend, Heather Stewart, who I've known since elementary school. She also shared #run3rd with me. I signed up for my first half marathon, the Inaugural Tinker Bell 1/2 in January 2012. It was a very emotional experience for me at the finish line. 2013 became my big year. I completed 13 half marathons, two 5Ks, one 10K, and a triathlon. I'm so overjoyed to be a part of #run3rd and everything that Sean has shared with us. Many of my dedications have carried me to the finish line. The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart. —Helen Keller |
• David Hearn @davidhearncsi I live in Monterey, CA and have been married to my best friend, Carmen, since 1988. I own my own home theater business and love to spend time with my wife and dog at the beach as often as possible. I began running as an activity I could share with Carmen. Carmen is a cancer survivor and was finding peace with her running. She begged me for a year or so to join her rather than follow her in the truck. One day I decided to join her and that was it, I rediscovered the joy of running and we have been running together since early 2014. I heard Sean talking about #Run3rd at a Disney Expo, and immediately found myself wanting to come together with others to help and support their needs, cares, and concerns for others by dedicating my runs to a cause that is bigger than me. That same day while running in a Disney Half Marathon I meet Captain Tracy who struck up a conversation with me about #Run3rd, and I have been on board ever since. |
• Linda Iroff, TEAM Co-Leader @LindaofNote I've been involved with Sean's #Run3rd campaign since its inception in January 2012, and developed and maintain this website. But I didn't think I could actually be a runner, though I have tried to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. In September 2012, I started walking, and completed my first 5K that October. I've done numerous 5Ks since, and try to mix a little running in with the walking when I can! #Run3rd allows me to be part of a community with the simple yet powerful goal of encouraging activities that benefit both body and soul, through running/walking and by honoring and sharing the things that matter to others. "Find what you love, then do it with passion and your whole heart." |
• Laura Lawson @gramma_laura I am 63 years old, mom of 3 adult children, one Angel-baby, and gramma to 3! I watched Sean develop #Run3rd, as more and more people have been inspired to take their place alongside him. It has been amazing and humbling to witness. I'd not run for many years. With type 2 diabetes, cold-air and exercise-induced asthma, and a physicality more suited to a Hobbit hole (short, round and overly fond of the pantry!) my running days are behind me. But I can walk! And I shall! Purpose not Pace, for me! I dedicate each step to my family and friends, to you for all that y'all "carry", and with gratitude to Sean. Good for me, good for my family, and in the spirit of the power of critical mass and collective action, good for all of you! Thanks to all of the Captains ahead of me, and welcome to those yet to come! PS: As of Dec. 2017, I am a 4 year survivor of Stage 3C Ovarian Cancer. The increased walking that I was doing with #Run3rd helped me to lose weight, leading me to find a suspicious lump and likely saving my life. #Run3rd for unexpected benefits and for the loving, supportive #Run3rd community. The past: "I feel thin, sort of stretched like butter scraped over too much bread." And now: "I think I am quite ready to go on another journey." —J.R.R.Tolkien |
![]() I am an athlete in my slow and steady way, although I wouldn’t describe myself as “athletic.” In my 20’s, I ran two marathons to prove to myself that I could and then hung up my long-distance shoes. Now, I’m enjoying a return to half-marathon running in my 40’s. My great joy is having my young daughters cheering me on and running with me. It’s different this time around; it’s less about my own glory and more about the causes I run for, my health, and the example I set for my girls. I love charity running and finding ways to make my runs mean something larger than myself. My ideal race would be running with my kids…on an entertaining course…for a charity…in costume…with #Run3rd dedications in my pocket. It’s happened before and it will happen again! “Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.” ―Neil Gaiman |
![]() With the inspiration of my most wonderful Son Anthony and my awesome Grandson Joey, my lifestyle has evolved to enjoy retirement with regular community 5k's, golf, Senior Softball and goofing around! Once again our local Veterans Health Clinic has organized a Relay Teams for the 2017 California International Marathon!! We represent all Veterans to show how all one needs to do is get up off the couch and start walking! With the final relay leg of 5.7 miles, I get to cross the finish line for the Fast MOVERS Veteran Running Team! “I hold a beast, an angel, and a madman in me, and my inquiry is as to their working, and my problem is their subjugation and victory, down throw and upheaval, and my effort is their self-expression.” ―Dylan Thomas |
• Mindy Przeor @RaceEveryStep I'm an elementary PE teacher who loves being active and outdoors. When I discovered running in my late 20's, I learned a lot about myself, and I decided to start a running club to give the kids at my school a chance to learn those lessons early in life. The running club became more than I could have ever imagined. Five years after starting it (January 2013), I met Sean and learned about #RUN3rd. The message of RUN3rd was the missing link in the lessons I was trying to teach the kids. So, it was added to the curriculum and the kids loved it. A couple years later we hosted the inaugural RUN3rd 5k as a way to bring the community together, give the kids a chance to share RUN3rd and celebrate their awesomeness. We plan to keep it as an annual event and invite everyone to join us! run3rd5k.com When I'm not teaching or coaching, I'm usually with my husband out exploring—on foot, bike, car—doesn’t matter. We love being out, meeting new people, learning new things, pushing our limits and experiencing new things! "It's kind of fun to do the impossible." —Walt Disney |
• Dawnley Raices @hipster_runner When I was in school, I hated running with a passion. I carried on this hatred until a friend asked me to do a Spartan Race. With my 2012 New Years Resolution being, “Try Something New” how could I refuse? It was that race that set my soul ablaze to become a runner. Afterwards, I started running with my mom, @aTurtlesPace. Our goal was to have fun being together while encouraging others to be active and have fun too! Once we heard about #Run3rd, we were hooked! Running hasn't only made me healthier, it has changed my life. I have: asthma that I must keep under control to run; ADHD that is helped by running out my extra energy and increasing my attention span; and deformed hips that made running too painful. I’m in the process of undergoing reconstructive surgery to fix them so I can run pain free for the first time ever. #Crutch3rd I love #Run3rd for all it stands for! I will be cheering you on from the first step to the last and all in-between! <3 |
• Kelli Shrewsberry @Connect2TLC I'm a teacher on Special Assignment as the Director of the Teaching & Learning Collaborative. TLC is a non-profit organization whose mission is to design and facilitate professional development in mathematics, science,and technology for teachers in grades K-12. A few years ago, I did my first 5k and was hooked. What I love most of all about running is how supportive people are. People you don't even know are cheering you on—and I love the finish line moment. It is such a great feeling and I wanted to bring that energy to our organization. Now, we coordinate a Signature Race Event, the Pi Day 5K, to generate excitement about math & science for teachers, students and families. I discovered the #Run3rd idea during the Tinkerbell Half Marathon. I'm getting ready for my first Princess Half and was following the tweets; I was instantly hooked! I could see the excitement in what I was reading and was inspired even from few thousand miles away! "Remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it." —Henry Ford |
• Lupe Steele @L_R_Steele I’m a mom, wife, and Pediatric Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) in San Jose, CA. I completed my first ½ marathon in 2007 and haven’t looked back since. I am proof that ANYONE regardless of size, shape, or age with the determination, drive and heart can run. #Run3rd has given me the opportunity to mesh my professional and personal life. I choose to run for myself as well as for the children I work with who demonstrate a wide array of communication disorders. I #Run3rd for them! “Running is the ideal relationship; it doesn’t pass judgment, care about who you are or what you look like. It’s always there rain or shine just waiting for you to take it on.” |
![]() I am Cheyanne Witte, a 36 yr old married Travel Agent. As a working mother of 3 girls, it's hard for me to find time and money to contribute to causes I believe in. Recently I found out that my friend Kristine was not doing well. I looked for ways to help her, but unfortunately lack the money to help financially and am too far away to help otherwise. It makes me extremely sad and angry to feel so helpless and useless. However I found a way to help in a self-productive way—I discovered #Run3rd. Now I can dedicate my runs to others and let them know that I am thinking of them every day I run. I am new to running and #run3rd came at the perfect time to motivate me both mentally and physically. I will be running my first 5k in July and I couldn't be more excited. I love the run3rd message so much it gives me the motivation to strive and power though no matter how easy it may seem to give up! "The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start." —John Bingham |
• Andrea Barber @andreabarber
• Christina Boulard @ChristinaBeeMe
• Keely Galbraith @MidsummerGraces
• Brandie Garcia, @BrandieCakez
• Leah Gutierrez @LeahMari11
• Mike Hornsby @Mike_Hornsby
• Heather Slawinki @Rocksicle_Lover
• Heather Stewart @strungoutrunner
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